Monday, April 30, 2012

InfoSec: Security and Technology's True Intent

Is technology our best friend or our worst enemy? Technology makes our lives as humans much easier. It allows us to effectively communicate and presents knowledge within a click of a button. Of course, too much of anything is never good. The utilization of technology presents us with vast security vulnerabilities.

Mikko Hypponen presents us with videos that discusses how virsuses originated. Hypponen also discusses how the government can track consumer's by the dots printed on their documents. This method can be traced back to typewriters. The government has several avenues to monitor consumer information and can use this information against us. We make information readily available for exploitation on the internet by hackers and government agencies.

Mikko suggest we should voice our opinion about this silent crime. We these issues are occuring but we are refraining from voicing our opinions to create a public cry. Technology can be both, our best friend and our worst enemy; dependent upon the methods of usage. However, no matter how we use technology, hackers can use technology to obtain consumer information to generate wealth.

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