Saturday, February 25, 2012

E-Commerce Podcast(Pt. 2)

1)Information Assymetry: Someone in the transaction has better information than the other party
2) Dynamic pricing
3) Disintermidation: Internet remove an intermidary, direct consumer sales
Follow a period of reintermidation
4)Digital Marketplace: Ease, marginal cost is low
5)Portals: Yahoo!, Google, Bing!
6)E-Retailer: Amazon
7) Sales Revenue Model
8)Free-meum: Free for standard, have to pay to get premium service
9) Transaction fee revenue
10) Affiliate Revenue
11) Niche Marketing: Little data points spreaded out
12)E-Commerce Marketing: Can appeal to mass Market
13) Razor Blade Strategy: Give away razor but charge high prices for blades
Create a platform and charge high prices for accesories and services
A Few Myths About E-Commerce
1)Setting up business on internet is less costly[easy to start, hard to manage]
2) Making money on the web is easy
3) If you launch a site, customer will come to it
4) Privacy is not important on the web
6)Most important part of E-Commerce is the technology
8) Flash plug-ins makes a website better[Flash should not be incorporated on website]
10) E-Commerce will cause brick and mortart companies to disappear
12) Too late to get on the web

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